Sometimes things just don’t have to be hard. A while back I had this premonition about my newly bought MacBook that I was going to use the Terminal for everything because the shell is just so cool in my geeky major of Comuter Information Technology. Well I have certainly not held strong with my idea. But Josh will be glad to know I have used it and gained experience with it so I feel comfortable enough where I can go and do the small things without any hesitation. So I had made a folder with all these pictures (about 90 pictures) in it. I wanted to be a little more organized and so I wanted to move all those pictures into another folder. There were still a few lingering files in the folder as well that I did not want moved. So the Terminal was much quicker.
mv *.jpg folder/
Instantly the task was done and I didn’t have to worry about scrolling up the screen to grab all the right items and ordering them. Just take the pictures and put them in the folder. I know this seems elementary to you all out there, and I am sure in a few years it will to me as well, but in the mean time I will just bask in my geekness.
One reply on “Command Line, Terminal”
Congrats on taking one more step to being a true geek. Command line RULES!