So my first Assignment in my security class was to read Alma chapters 43, 49, 50 in the Book of Mormon. Interesting to say the least. How do these chapters apply to Computer Information Technology Security? Well, I will tell you.
Alma 43:19 tells us about how Moroni prepared his people for battle. Let’s say an attack on a computer or information system is like a batte in war. If you are prepared beforehand, then ye shall not fear.
The beginning of Alma 49 talks about how the Nephite cities were fortified. I would liken this to a firewall in a computer. There are only certain points where entry or exits are allowed.
I know the scriptures can apply to all aspects of life, even Technology! 🙂
Author: nic
Time Machine External Drives
So I got a great deal on a Maxtor One Touch 4: 1TB for 140. I am no math wiz but isn’t that like 14 cents per gig. I have to say, it was a good deal. I bought this drive to replace my previous time machine backup drive. One big problem with this. It came preformated with the wrong filesystem. Well, I had the hardest time with Disk Utility to format the drive to the correct format. I kept getting errors when I wanted to format it to HFS or really anything but MS-DOS. So after much google-ing, I finally just decided to delve into the old command line and just get it done. That’s the great thing about a MAC is when all esle fails. The Unix background of a MAC just enables you to just get it done. I chose to use the diskutil and erase the disk and format it to the Journaled HFS+ format which is the prefered for Time Machine.
Here’s the command to type into the terminal window:
diskutil eraseDisk JournaledHFS+ WhateverYouWantToCallYourNewDrive disk1
This seemed to work relatively fast as well.
Version Control Sharing
So yesterday in CIT235 Mike Grace asked an intriguing question and I had the same question and also at the same time I had all these things running through my head on how I could accomplish the solution. His question had to do with when there is a group of people working on a project how do you all work on the code at the same time and not be conflicting. He had used the versioning implementation of Dreamweaver and had problem with it crashing on him. So it sounds like Dreamweaver needs some help with a robust versioning client. So I started doing some research. Then I remembered I have a Mac which is unix based, so SVN is already installed.
The one problem with it is that you have to have an online repository available directly to the internet. My development machine is my laptop so I dont have a public IP address on it to be directly availiable on the internet to checkin and checkout code on.
So then I remembered Josh had set me up with a free online repository with all the bells and whistles a while back. It includes tracking and task management as well.
Enter Assembla.
So this is what I will use for the time being to solve my issue.
By the way it was so cold outside this morning on my way to walk to school that my neck up to the top of my head had no feeling by the time I made it to my class.
Hello world!
Hello world is the beginning of any programming tutorial. I am not a programer and do not claim to be one. But, nonetheless, I am actually taking two, and you could argue, three advanced programming classes in school this semester. I would like to start this blog as a way to solidify my understanding and knowledge about pl/sql, java, and php. Hope this helps you as well as me.
Nic and I have been told from multiple sources the importance of going out on one last really good date with just the two of us, because for the next twenty years of our lives, we will always be worrying about our children, whether it be if we find a babysitter or taking them with us, or what not. We went to Craigo’s for some yummy sourdough pepperoni pizza, and then for dessert we had Oreo, carmel pizza, yummy!
While we were eating, I noticed (Nic was praying I wouldn’t notice, but I did) a couple who came and sat down near us, carrying an infant. The couple took the birthing class with us, which made me want to cry, because they were holding their infant and ours is still in my belly! I can do one more week right?
Then, we went and saw the Dark Knight. I had nightmares about the Joker last night, he was one bad dude! I make movies much more intense for poor Nic, because of my death grip on his hand or arm. He is such a sport!
family history blog
This is the farthest date I can make back in time. I am looking for a way to date my blog farther back for journaling purposes.